The guesswork of pre-menopause is over.
Hurray for the certainty of menopause?
You will certainly be experiencing changes, you will certainly get that ‘between the waves’ feeling, but the current of menopause doesn’t have to pull you under with it.
But where does constipation fit in?
Estrogen is one of the heavy weights when it comes to menopause, and with its strong pull, it affects ovarian hormones, which in turn influence gastrointestinal function.
New research has shown that there are estrogen receptors in the gastric and small intestinal mucosa.
It’s all hands on deck for this crew of hormones struggling to stay afloat during the waxing and waning tides of menopause, but as the boat is rocked, the gut loses its footing easily and constipation becomes inevitable.
And so we introduce selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM). SERMs can be anything from food to herbal supplements, but however you ingest them, they work wonders when it comes to settling the symptoms of menopause; brain fog, memory loss, cardio-vascular issues, osteo-arthritis, and of course, constipation.
Rhodiola Rosea is a beautiful example of one such SERM.
It’s neuroprotective, cardio-protective, anti-oxidative and anti-carcinogenic properties means that your digestive system can get back on track, as you sit back and let Rhodiola rosea take the wheel.
Going Through Changes doesn’t Mean You’ve Changed.
Your body is still your body, it just needs a new map.
DigestLIVE™ charts the course of your menopausal adventure, anticipating, and soothing, storms before they arise.
It’s an honor to have you on board.